Violations in Coral Springs Florida
As a property manger, I dread seeing a violation notice from Coral Springs Code Enforcement. In Broward county, Coral Springs has one of the most strictest policies in landscaping and vegetation I have ever seen. A recent violation we received was for a non-native tree which was growing on the property called the “pepper tree”.
This property has a large number of trees and it was very difficult to pin point the illegal tree for extraction. Multiple phone calls were made to code enforcement in hope to clarify which tree needed to be removed but no response. After doing a bit of research online I was able to find the “pepper tree” and I contacted one of our vendors to remove the tree. Keep in mind that the cost to remove a tree is about $800.00. That is removal and dump fees.
After the tree was removed, code enforcement was contacted and a final inspection was requested to close out the violation.
A couple of days later after the inspection, another notice was received as a dead tree was spotted in front of the property. I didn’t understand why this wasn’t pointed out with the initial violation but it was understandable that a dead tree did look bad in front of the home. The second violation also requested that a live tree needed to be planted replacing the dead tree. As a property manager it is difficult to contact an owner that recently purchased the property and advise them of a second violation and more cost. My vendor was contacted once again and the issue was corrected. The vendor gave us a break and charged $600.00 and included a live tree.
Finally the violation was corrected and code enforcement was contacted and a final inspection was requested to close out the violation.
Hopefully that does it…
If your property has a violation and need assistance in correcting the violation in Miami Dade, Broward, or West Palm Beach County please call of us today. Time is of the essence. Contact me today – (305) 428-3904. Good luck!
Surprising to think of something like that.