The Definitive Guide To Tenant Screening
It doesn't matter if you plan on investing in rental properties for the first time, or you've owned rentals for years. Tenant screening is one of the keys to success with owning rental properties.
When you properly screen and choose the…

6 Tips for Listing Your Rental Property Online
It doesn't matter if you're planning on renting out a property for the first time, or you've been managing rental properties for years, the key to success with owning rental properties is successfully listing them online.
In this article,…

The eviction moratorium has ended, but another one kicks in. Here’s what it means
One national ban on evictions came to an end Thursday, but another moratorium is ready to take its place Friday.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a moratorium Sept. 4 on all evictions and foreclosures around…

The nitty gritty on federal rent relief
The funds will be meted out by eligible states and localities, which are tasked with designing means-tested programs along the federal guidelines.
But the funds themselves, from the U.S. Treasury Department, may take a month to arrive. That…

Plantation Florida Property Management Company
Are you searching for a Plantation Florida property management company? If so, you come to the right place!
If you own a rental property in Plantation, you know that it's an
excellent way to earn consistent cash flow on a monthly basis but,…

What Are The Keys To Success To Owning Rental Properties Remotely?
There's no doubt that owning rental properties is an excellent way to build wealth and generate cash flow on a monthly basis but, what happens if you have to move out of the area while leaving those rental properties behind?

Tips For Becoming A More Profitable And Successful Landlord In 2021
Are you thinking about investing in rental
properties in 2021? If so, this is a smart decision to make because rental
properties will enable you to build wealth while generating monthly cash flow.
In this article we will share with you several

How to Run and Understand a Tenant Credit Check
A tenant credit check is one of the real estate investor's most valuable screening tools. Credit reports provide a broad overview of an applicant's financial state—before you give access to your rental property. Do they…

What features are remote workers looking for?
Since the start of Covid-19, we're seeing more remote workers in the United States than ever before, especially in Florida, but the big question is what are remote workers really looking for?
In this article we will answer this question…

Davie, FL Property Management
you thinking about hiring a Davie, FL Property Management company? If so, you
come to the right place!
At Miami Property Management, LLC, we specialize in full-service property management for the Miami area. This means that regardless…